Bitburg Launch!

Over the weekend we launched this year’s Bitburg trip! Final details are being put in place but the basic information at the time of writing is as follows:

Dates – 7th – 11th July 2017. It is proposed that we will do the trip in cars or perhaps a minibus leaving Dover around 8am on Friday 7th July, returning to Dover at around 7pm on Tuesday 11th.

Cost – TBC. Full travel from Dover will be in the region of £200 -£250. Hotel only (ie those not travelling from the UK or making their own way) to be in the region of €120 – €140. This includes travel (where applicable), 4 nights B&B in Bitburg and other meals at the Haus Der Jugend

Schedule – TBC. Around three performances per day. Likely to be similar to previous years

Programme – TBC

Conductor – Andy Wooler

If you are interested in joining us please feel free to get in touch.

07811 946826

Bitburg 2017

We’re getting ready to launch this year’s Bitburg trip! Once again we’ll be participating in the European Folklore Festival in Bitburg, Germany this July. The dates are:

Friday 7th July – Tuesday 11th July leaving Dover on the Friday morning and returning on Tuesday evening.

All other details will be announced shortly – watch this space!